Know How - Your Capital!
K u r t K a n z e n b a c h
"I enjoy communicating my enthusiasm for Linux and Open Source technologies, as well as the exchange of experiences and dialogue with the participants."
Kurt Kanzenbach is an embedded Linux engineer at Linutronix. He holds a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in computer science. In his daily job he is responsible for Linux based Board Support Packages and conducts Linux trainings and workshops. He is also technically involved in the AccessTSN project.
Tecnical Focuses:
Realtime, PREEMPT_RT |
Driver development |
Time Sensitive Networking |
J o h n O g n e s s
"For me it is an honour to share my knowledge and pleasure in Linux with others. At the same time I am enriched by interesting and challenging discussions with the participants."
John Ogness studied Computer Science at Utah State University (USA) and has been professionally involved with Linux since 2001. He has been working for the company Linutronix GmbH since 2008. There he has specialized in Linux-based board support packages, realtime applications, and training. He is also maintainer of the Minicoredumper project. In the past, he developed software for security applications and autonomous robots.
Tecnical focuses:
Driver Development |
Problem analysis of realtime applications |
Fastboot Systems |
A h m e d S. D a r w i s h
„I always enjoy meeting new people, answering the attendees questions, and seeing even more use-cases where Embedded Linux is used in the industry. The internals of the Linux Kernel are very complicated, but also great fun, and it‘s quite rewarding to share that information with as much engineers in the industry as possible.“
Ahmed S. Darwish is a kernel and BSP engineer at Linutronix GmbH, working for customers in the robotics, automotive, and health-care industry. He is also an active contributor to the Linux Kernel, the Linux audio stack, and the Metasploit security exploits framework.
Technical focuses:
Upstream (Mainline) Linux Kernel development, core subsystems |
Embedded BSPs development, Linux device drivers development |
Root filesystems development with Yocto |